
name: Aradeini
The civic coat of arms of Aradeo has
many religious elements: on a light blue background, there are a marble altar
with two silver branched candlesticks, a chalice and a Host. There are three main
the history of the name ‘Aradeo’. The village was probably founded by the
Byzantine-Greek and, in this case, the name of the village would derive from a
Greek word, meaning ‘property of Aratos’, found in an old parchment of the 12th
century. The second hypothesis says that the name could come from another Greek
word ,‘charadreon’, meaning "territory rich in water". The famous local
historian Giacomo Arditi thinks that the village was founded by the people in
flight from many small villages when these were destroyed by the Saracens. The
people met in the same place, decided to settle there and shared the Host of
peace as a sign that they would not fight anymore. In this case, the name of the
village would come from the Latin words ‘ara-arae’ and ‘deus-dei’ that means
‘the altar of God’. The village was certainly dominated by the Greeks for a long
time until the 15th century. In the 12th century, Tancredi the Norman, Count of
Lecce, donated the village to Ruggiero Montefusco. In the 14th century the
village became part of the Principality of Taranto and, in the 15th century,
Giovanni Antonio Del Balzo Orsini gave it to the Monastery of St Catherine of
Galatina. At that time the Monastery was inhabited by the Franciscan Monks and,
when the Olivetans took their place,
they were given by Alfonso II of Aragon other pieces of land to control such as
those of Bagnolo, Columito, Torre Paduli and Sflagiano. Under the government of
the Olivetan Monks the village underwent a period of deep recession because they
aimed to reduce the independence that the village had in the past. They
increased taxation and introduced the tolls. The situation became even worse
when the monks decided to hire out the territory of Aradeo to a kind of
Governor. The first Governor, Father Giovanni from Naples, was invested with
full powers for only 1400 ducats. During his government, he earned his money
back and got rich very quickly. The second and last governor was Brother
Gregorio from Aversa, an Olivetan monk as the previous governor. In 1707 the
Olivetans decided that the Governor could also be a layman and so they the
population the chance to choose their Governor. The village needed a long time
of recovery to get back to normality. Among the famous people of Aradeo we have
to remember the priest Drosos. He lived between the 13th and the 14th century.
He became a poet and taught Philosophy, Liturgy and Greek. He made the Byzantine
culture to be widespread in the whole Salento and wrote many books that have
been recently published. Other famous people of Aradeo are Giuseppe Giuliano
Vasquez and Filippo Giuliano, both were important jurists.