
Ingredients for 6-8 people: kg.1 of anchovies, parsley, vinegar, 1
clove of garlic, hot pepper, extra virgin olive oil, salt.
Preparation time: 1 hour.
Clean the anchovies and remove the head and the fish bones. Wash the fillets
and leave them to dry. Put them in a bowl in layers with lemon juice or
vinegar, garlic, minced parsley, hot pepper and oil. Put in the fridge to
stand for 12 hours.
Ingredients for 4-6 people: gr.800 of dried cod, 8 potatoes, gr.200
of onions, gr.600 of tomato pulp, pepper, sage, extra virgin olive oil,
Preparation and cooking time: 1 hour.
Boil the cod, remove the skin and cut to pieces. Brown together onion and
sage then add tomatoes and potatoes in pieces. Cook for 20 minutes then add
the cod and cook for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with black pepper and serve.
Ingredients for 4-6 people: kg.1 of squids, 8 ripe and fleshy
tomatoes, 1 hot pepper, parsley, 1 clove of garlic, gr.100 of bread
crumbles, extra virgin olive oil, salt.
Preparation and cooking time: 1 hour.
Wash the squids, take the bone out then cut them to pieces. Cook them on a
low flame in the oil together with garlic, hot pepper, peeled tomatoes in
slices and minced parsley. Just before turning off the flame add the bread
crumbles and stir.
Ingredients for 4-5 people: 1 mullet of kg.1, a pinch of origano,1
lemon, parsley, pepper, extra virgin olive oil, salt.
Preparation and cooking time: 30 minutes
Clean the mullet and cut it into slices. Put the pieces in a oiled baking
pan. Mix together oil, pepper, salt and oregano and pour this mixture on the
fish. Bake at 200° and cook for 15-20 minutes. Serve with lemon juice, a
drop of oil and minced parsley.
Ingredients for 4 people: gr.800 of grouper in 4 slices, gr.700 of
boiled new potatoes, gr.50 of butter, flour gr.50, 1 clove of garlic, 10
leaves of sage, 2 lemons, oil extra virgin of olive, salt.
Preparation and cooking time: 30 minutes.
Wash the slices of grouper and remove all the scales. Salt the slices and
put them in the flour. Brown the slices on both sides with 2 spoons oil,
butter, garlic and sage leaves. Turn down the flame and cook for other 15
minutes. Take out garlic and sage, put the slices in a dish. Pour the lemon
juice on the fish. Use the potatoes as a side dish and put a slice of lemon
on every piece of fish.
Ingredients for 4 people: kg.1 of mussels, 2 cloves of garlic,
parsley, 10 peeled tomatoes, pepper, extra virgin olive oil, salt.
Preparation and cooking time: 30 minutes.
Wash the mussels and scratch them with an iron brush. Cook the mussels with
oil, two cloves of garlic and the tomatoes cut to pieces. Cook until the
mussels are all open, add minced parsley and a lot of black pepper.
Ingredients for 6 people: Kg.1 of small squids, kg.1 of black
mussels, 1 lemon, parsley, vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, salt.
Preparation and cooking time: 1 hour.
Wash the squids and leave them in water and vinegar for an hour then boil
them. Clean the mussels, cook them on a moderate flame and take out the
shellfish. Put the squids and the mussels in a plate season with minced
parsley, lemon juice and oil. Put it in the fridge and serve after2-3 hours.
Ingredients for 4 people: 4 giltheads, parsley, 1 clove of garlic,
rosemary, black pepper, extra virgin olive oil, salt.
Preparation and cooking time: 1 hour.
the fish and make a couple of cuts in the skin. Mix together oil, salt,
pepper and minced parsley, pour the mixture on the fish and leave them to
marinate on both sides for half an hour.
Drain them and put them on a hot grill, sprinkling them with the mixture
from time to time. Sprinkle a tray with small pieces of garlic and rosemary.
Put the fish on it turn it over a couple of times then serve.
Ingredients for 4 people: 4 slices of fish sword, parsley, gr.150 of
bread crumbles, 1 lemon, vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, salt.
Preparation and cooking time: 30 minutes.
Marinate the slices of swordfish for an hour in a mixture of oil, salt, and
vinegar. Pass them in the bread crumbles and put them on a hot grill
sprinkling them with the mixture from time to time. Turn them slowly over
and serve with minced parsley and lemon slices.
Ingredients for 4 people: kg.1 of small octopus, 2 lemons, gr.150 of
black olives, parsley, 2 celeries, 2 spoons of white wine vinegar, pepper,
extra virgin olive oil, salt.
Preparation and cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
Clean the small octopus and boil them in hot water and two spoons of
vinegar. Cut the octopus to pieces. Cut the celeries in small sticks without
the leaves. Mix octopus, sticks, minced parsley, black pepper lemon juice,
oil and olives. Leave to stand for 2-3 hours then serve.
Ingredients for 5 people: kg.1 of "pupiddi" fish, flour gr.200,
extra virgin olive oil, salt.
Preparation and cooking time: 30 minutes.
Wash the fish, dry them then pass them in the flour. Fry them in a frying
pan with a lot of oil. When they get golden, take them out and put them on
blotting paper.
Ingredients for 4 people: 1 big octopus, 10 ripe tomatoes, 2 leaves
of laurel, 2 onions, 1 clove of garlic, parsley, pepper, extra virgin olive
oil, salt.
Preparation and cooking time: 2 hours.
Beat the octopus (usually on a sea rock ) in order to make it softer. Cut it
to pieces and rinse it. Put in the pignata garlic, tomatoes, minced onions,
black peppercorns, parsley, 2 leaves of laurel, oil and half a glass of
water. Bring to the boil, cook for ten minutes and add the octopus. Cook on
a low flame until the meat gets soft.
Ingredients for 6 people: kg.1.5 of several fish (scorpion fish,
angler, devil fish, grouper, angel fish). You can also add prawns, squids,
black mussels, shrimps. 4 spoons vinegar, 1 pinch of oregano, 1 onion, 1
celery, 8 ripe tomatoes, parsley, bread croutons grilled or fried, 1 clove
of garlic, extra virgin olive oil, pepper, salt.
Preparation and cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
Clean the fish, scale and
dry them. Prepare a stock with water, oil, salt, garlic, onion, peeled
tomatoes, celery and parsley all well minced. Cook the stock, add the
vinegar and then the fish. Fill the saucepan with water and cook for 20-25
minutes. At half cooking add the mussel shellfish, shrimps and the clean
prawns with their shell. Add the cooking water of the seafood once you have
filtered it. Serve in the plates with the croutons and sprinkle with oregano
or black pepper.