The Castle of
Montesardo was built between the 15th and the 16th century
probably according to the
of the Del Balzos. Between 1941 and 1943, during the Second World War, it was
used by the German soldiers as a radio station. When they left the castle, it
was abandoned. The Mother Church dates to the 15th century and was
restored according to the will of Fulvio Caracciolo. The façade is decorated
with the statues of St Domenico and St Joseph. Inside there are some interesting
18th century paintings. The Chapel of St Stephen was built in 1583
according to the will of Dongiovanni Mezatinta on a pre-existing church. The
Church of the Virgin dates to 1870, it is aisleless and has beautiful paintings.
The small church of St Barbara is in the countryside, it dates to the Norman
period, has a rectangular plan and a tile roof. The only altar was destroyed
when the apse collapsed, inside there are the rests of some old frescos.