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The Princes Protonobilissimo ordered the building of the Convent of the P.P. Dominican monks, of the The Portal of the Mother ChurchChurch of St. Domenico and of the palace where they lived, the Palace of the Prince. This palace was built on the rests of a medieval castle during the XVI century. Recently some coins dating back to the Norman period have been discovered. Inside the castle you can see a subterranean oil press, stalls, jails and very spacious rooms. Here you can also visit some corti, where in the past some families lived under the protection of their Lord. In the courts there were the stalls, the wine cellars, the well, the oil press and all that the family needed to live a life more or less wealthy. The most interesting corti that can be visited are: Corte of Vittorio Veneto St., Corte of Isonzo St., Spano Corte, Carluccio Palace Corte and Corte of Vico Coldilana. At Muro Leccese there are a lot of Churches as the Mother Church dedicated to the Announced: it was planned in 1680 by Giovanni Battista de Bellis and Francesco Milanese, both were born at Muro Leccese. It is Latin cross with three aisles and wonderful altars. The Church of the Crocefisso of the Brongo was built on the ruins of an ancient Byzantine Church and it was ordered by Cornelia Delli Monti, wife of the Prince Giovanni Battista I Protonobilissimo: she made build a hospice for the monks of St. Francesco too in sign of recognition and devotion for the suddenCrucifix of the Brongo's Church recovery of his sick eldest child. The Church of the Immaculate Conception was planned by the architect Emanuele Maria Agostino Orfano and it is considered a such exceptional work that the Mint of the State has decided to coin a medal representing the façade of the church. Inside you can admire some very refined paintings and an organ of the XVIII century. The small Church of St. Maria of Miggiano is of the XIV century and it is two Kms from Muro Leccese: inside there are some paintings of the Byzantine epoch. The Church of St. Marina was built in the IX century and so far it has been restored a lot of times. This church is famous for the presence of the most ancient collection of paintings representing the life of St. Nicola of Myra. The patron of Muro Leccese is St Oronzo that is celebrated on August 26th while St Cosma and St Damiano are celebrated on 27th September.


The people from Muro Leccese are well known as "pigs" for a legend according to which a breeder of pigs a St Domenico's Churchrainy day, looking at the animals that were completely wet, decided to put them in a very large oven to make them dry. Naturally the poor pigs, as soon as that the heat increased, started to get excited and to scream and the foolish breeder, believing that the beasts were laughing. What is more on the third Sunday of October , in all the restaurants and butcheries of the village, people can taste some boiled meat seasoned with pepper and salt.

