
Inhabitants' name: Palmariggini |
The civic coat of arms
of Palmariggi is marked by a white and blue background, on which a leaf of
is represented. Its origins are very ancient; in fact, the discovery of a
megalithic monument as the menhir on the hill of Montevergine, proves the
human presence in very ancient times. The first historical documents date back
to the XIII century, so we have just some hypotheses about the rise of the
first urban centre. Since it is pretty near to Otranto some researchers think
it was originally a small fort used by the people of Otranto as a place of
sighting and defence. Its first name was St Nicola this toponym changed after
the raid of the Turks in 1480. People say that this small centre was not invaded
by the Turks thanks to the Madonna's help: she appeared with a leaf of palm in
her hand, and she frightened the aggressors so much that they went away. So the
new toponym was at first "Palmarice" and, finally, Palmariggi. The feudal age,
in the Salento, started with the arrival of the Normans but as far as this
small centre is concerned the first certain news are about the Angevin time when
the feud was given to Giovanni Garzia De Lombier Charles I. Later Palmariggi
was governed by some noble men as the Santo Blasios, the Matteis and the
Varvassis. The last vassals were the Venturas, who governed until 1806 when
the feudal system was suppressed. Among the most important local characters
there are Spinetto Ventura and Alessandro Mattei. Both of them contributed to
improve the social and economic conditions of Palmariggi.