
The Baronial Palace of
the Basurto family is a big XVI century monument. It was restored in the XVII
but the elegant decorations of the windows and of the ashlar portal are the
original ones. Inside the visitor can see and appreciate some XVIII century
frescos. The most important church is the Parish dedicated to Our Lady of the
Assumption: it was built at the beginning of the XVII century in baroque style.
The elegant façade has a richly decorated portal and inside the tourist can see
some baroque altars and a crypt dedicated to the Engaged Lady. An other church
of great importance is the Sanctuary of the Madonna of the Graces, that was
built in the XVIII century on a pre-existing XVI century monument. The façade is
in baroque style and it has three portals well decorated. Each year a lot of
believers go on pilgrimage to this Sanctuary. The small church of St Saviour is
very ancient and it was
built in the XI century. It is Greek cross and inside there are marvellous
frescos in Byzantine style. The Church of the Announced and the Chapel of St.
Domenico date back to the XVII century. Outside the inhabited centre there is
the beautiful crypt of St. Lasi and it dates back to the VI century. Inside
there are some traces of ancient frescos, and a rudimentary altar dug in the
rock. The protectress of Sanarica is the Madonna of the Graces, that is
celebrated on September 8th.

The nickname of the
inhabitants of Sanarica is "tira trai", a dialectal expression meaning those
the beams. According to an improbable popular story during the construction of
the Parish, the head mason noticed that the main beam was shorter than the
others and he asked the workers to pull the beam from each side to lengthen it.
This expedient didn't work of course and the people from Sanarica were called
"tira trai".