
The civic coat of arms
of Seclì is light grey and it represents a green snake and twenty-four small
signs that
be clearly identified. They could be olives, stones or ancient coins. The
origins of this centre are still mysterious: some historians advocate that the
toponym comes from the Jewish word "sicli," that was an ancient coin, and that
the centre was founded by a Jewish colony in the X century. Other historians
think that the first centre was founded by those who had escaped from the
destruction of the Casale of Fulcignano, razed to the ground by the
inhabitants of the Casale of Galatone. The two centres were at war
because Galatone had imposed the Latin rite, that Fucignano did not want to
replace with the Greek one. When the war finished some of the survivors left
and settles after 4 km from their original town, thus founding Seclì. According
to this thesis, therefore, the toponym would derive from the Latin word
"seclusus," that means "separate," and it
makes reference to the separation from the people of Fulcignano. The first
historical documents deal with the events of the XII century, period in which
the feudal age started. The Norman king Tancredi of Altavilla gave the centre
to Filino De Ranna, later Seclì was governed by the Orsini del Balzos (being a
centre of the Principality of Taranto), the Briennes, the Enghienas and the
D'Amatos. The last vassals were the Sanseverino, that ruled Seclì until 1806.
During the D'Amatos' government a lot of religious monuments were built. Until
1948 Seclì was small village under the administration of Aradeo, then it got its own administrative
autonomy. Among the most well-known local people there is Francesco Maria
Severino, an appreciated man of letters of the XVIII century. He lived in the
XVIII century and was a good monk. He wrote a lot of successful works. Father
Arcangelo from Seclì was a monk whose was spent in humility and charity.
Another important character is Isabella D'Amato: she was born in 1618 and
belonged to a noble family. When she was 30 years old she became a nun and she
was called Sister Chiara. Some people think she made miracles and she died when
she was 75 years old.