
In the historical
centre it s possible to see and visit some very nice case a corte and
noble residences as
Palace that dates back to the XVII century and it has a wonderful façade.
Balsamo Palace was built in the XVI century while Pisanelli Palace and Panese
Palace were built in the XVIII century. Risolo Palace was built on the rests of
an ancient XVI century monument: on its imposing façade there is the coat of
arms of the family and a stately portal. The Mother Church is dated 1600 and it
has been restores many times so far. The Church of St Eufemia is very
interesting to see and it was erected in the XVI century. A historical document
of the beginning of the XVIII century says that the church had three altars,
two of them were dedicated to the saint the left one to the Madonna. Once there
were a painting and a fresco representing St Eufemia. In 1960, Don Salvatore
Palese pressed for the jobs of restoration since the church was not in good
condition. A Km from the Church of St Eufemia you can visit the Church of the
Madonna of the Footstep, where there is an ancient crypt and you can admire the
rests of very beautiful frescos. The Church of the Franciscans and the attached
Convent were built in 1500, in Gothic style. The church of St. Nicholas was
restored in the XVI century and it has a very simple façade. Outside the urban
centre, near the Church of St Demetrio, you can see the rests of an ancient
monument dating back to the Byzantine age. The Chapel of St Catherine of
Alexandria was built in the XVI century and inside the walls are completely
covered with interesting frescos. The protector of this small town is St
Nicholas that is celebrated solemnly on December 6th.

The nickname of the
inhabitants of Specchia is "scurlisci" that derives from a dialect verb
meaning "to slip". The nickname makes reference to the fact that on the roads of
this small town you can slip easily, but it also connected to a popular anecdote
(probably untrue) according to which the priest of Specchia, having been
informed that a great sum of money had been destined to his parish, asked his
fellow citizens to invest such sum in the restoration of the church and of the
main square. All the population agreed but when the priest asked them if they
wanted the roads to be paved a man stood up and answered that it was not a good
idea, otherwise asses and horses could have slipped.