
Inhabitants' name: Sponganesi |
The civic coat of arms
of Spongano has a blue background in the lower part, and a red one in the upper
where there are three five-pointed stars. The origins of the first inhabited
centre are still mysterious and there are only some theories according to which
the village was probably built by those who escaped from the destruction of the
town of Vaste (1147) that was razed to the ground by Guglielmo il Malo.
According to an other hypothesis the centre was founded in 1480 by the people
who managed to avoid the Turks' violence. However in both cases the poor people
were attracted by the good climate and the fertility of the land. The feudal age
began after the arrival of the Normans and the king Tancredi of Altavilla
incorporated this centre into the County of Castro. Later Spongano was ruled by
the Bielottos, the Bugiacos, the Scarces, the Del Balzos, the Della Postas, the
Gattinaras and the Ruiz de Castros. Until 1777 Spongano was ruled by the Lopez
De Zunicas and, until at 1806 it was annexed again to the County of Castro.
Among the most important local people there are Giovanni Camillo who lived
between the XVIII and the XIX centuries and he was an esteemed priest of this
village. Giovanni Camillo became an illustrious philosopher and physician.
Fulvio Bacile was a good scholar and a poet, and he wrote interesting poems. The
most well-known character is Emilio Paolo Stasi, who lived between the XIX and
the XX century and he was famous for his big culture. He became a famous painter
too, and he made a lot of canvasses. He was also deeply interested in the
paleontology, and he himself discovered important archaeological finds in the
Romanelli , Diavolo and Zinzulusa caves. He died when he was 82 years old.