
2 kg of quinces, 1kg sugar, 1 small sachet of vanilla, 1 lemon.
Preparation and cooking time: 1 hours 30 minutes.
Peel and cut the quinces in slices. Blanch them and pass all of them in the
vegetable mill. Put them in a pot, add sugar and lemon juice. Cook on a low
flame, bring to the boil and wait until the lemon juice has been completely
absorbed. Stir until you get the density you desire. Turn off the flame, add
vanilla and a grated lemon peel. Put the jam in small jars and close
Ingredients: 1kg of figs, 500gr sugar, 1 lemon, 1 small sachet of
cinnamon, a glass of brandy, 100gr of toasted almonds.
Preparation and cooking time:
1 hours 30 minutes.
the figs. Take only the pulp of the fruits, cut them in pieces and put them
in a bowl. Add sugar and lemon juice, stir and leave to stand for 2 hours.
Put them in a steel pot and cook on a low flame until you get the density
you desire. When the jam is boiling, you can take away the small seeds on
the surface. Turn off the flame and add a grated lemon peel, the toasted
almonds in pieces, brandy and cinnamon. Put the jam in small and warm jars
and close hermetically.
Ingredients: 1 kg of grape, 3 dl of anisette or rum, 1l of 40° alcohol.
Preparation time: 30 minutes.
Cut the grapes with the scissors leaving also a short stem. Put them to dry
for one day. Put the grapes in a glass pot and fill it with alcohol and rum.
Close tightly and eat after a month.
Ingredients: 4 lemons, 1lt of water, 1lt of alcohol,
some cloves, 400gr of sugar.
Preparation time: 30 minutes.
the lemon peel in stripes and put them in a big glass jar together with
cinnamon, cloves and alcohol. Close the jar tightly and leave it to stand
for a week but shake it slowly from time to time. Dissolve the sugar in the
water then let it cool down. Pour in the same pot what is in the jar. Strain
it and pour the liqueur in the bottle you will use to serve it.