The Ducal
Palace is in the oldest part of the village. It was built in the 15th
century according to the will of
the Del Balzos. The façade is in Renaissance
style and on a window man can still see a star with 16 pint, their family coat
of arms. The Legari Palace was built in 1536 according to the will of Donato
Legari, a rich merchant. It is in good condition and belongs to the local
administration. The Sangiovanni Palace is an imposing and elegant building of
the 15th century, its façade is very interesting. The Mother church
is dedicated to the Redeemer and was built from 1763 to 1845 on a pre-existing
structure of the 14th century. The façade was designed by the Arch.
Benedetto Torsello while the whole building was designed by Felice De Palma
according to the will of the Bishop Latomo Massa. The Church has a nave and two
aisles with ten altars. The new high altar was built in 1965 by Marcello
Alemanno. The font by Giacomo Loparco dates to the same year, the wooden pulpit
by Giuseppe De Cupertinis was built in1879 while the choir dates to 1855. the
paintings on the altars are also very interesting such as the painting with the
Archangel Raphael by Paolo Finoglio. The Convent of the Capuchin Fathers and the
close church date to the 17th century and were consecrated in 1656 by
the Bishop Granafei. On the high altar there is a 17th century
painting by Brother Angelo representing the Forgiveness of Assisi. The 18th
century wooden altar is itself very interesting. The paintings of St Anna, St
Joseph and the prophet Isaiah were made by Aniello Letizia. The Church of St
Anthony is close to the Convent of the Franciscan Friars and is certainly the
oldest religious building of the village and the legend says it was built by St
Francis of Assisi himself. It is an aisleless church with baroque altars and
interesting paintings such as the ‘Annunciation’. The Church of Our Lady of the
Assumption was built in the 18th century. On the High Altar there is
a sculpture of the blessed Souls, two paintings one of which represents St Carlo
Borromeo and scenes of his life. The Chapel of St Joseph dates to the 18th
century. it is an aisleless church with a small organ, a statue of St Michael
Archangel, one altar and three paintings. The Chapel of the Crucifix is outside
the urban area, its only altar is in baroque style was made by Placido Buffelli
in 1670. Close to this church there was an old fair where people could buy farm
tools and cattle. The Chapel of the Holy Spirit was built in 1977. The patron
saint of Alessano is St Trifone and the population celebrates him on November 10th.

The nickname
of the people of Alessano is "sciudei" (Jews) which means that they betray their
very easily but, actually, in the past there was a group of Jews in Alessano.
They were very rich and the king Charles V sent them away from the kingdom in
1539. The king Philip II allowed them to come back in 1572 but they were exiled
again in 1749 and left to the village this nickname.