
The Castle of
Collepasso was built in the 18th century by Oronzo Leuzzi on a
pre-existing structure of
16th century. It was restored in 1992 therefore is in good
conditions. The Viva Palace is in the historic centre and dates to the 19th
century. The Mother church is dedicated to Our Lady of the Graces. It was built
according to the will of Consiglia Pesce when the old Parish church collapsed in
1858. In this place there used to be the Masseria Santa Lucia, an old farm of
the Leuzzis. The Mother church dates to the 1625. Its façade has a beautiful
portal. The church has a Greek cross plan and inside the tourist can visit the
stone altars carved by Don Michele Rizzo. The Chapel of the Virgin of Lourdes is
next to Pesce Palace, is very simple and dates to the end of 18th
century. When the Mother Church opened this chapel was used as a carpentry and
was consecrated only in 1945. The Church of St Francesco was built in 1980
according to the will of the priest Don Salvatore Miggiano. It is a modern style
church. The Chapel of the St Trinity was built in the 19th century on
the rests of a sixteenth century structure. It is an aisleless church and its
façade is very simple. Its bell dates to 1857 and it is thought to be miraculous
because it sends the storms away. The column with the statue of St Joseph in
Piazza Martiri Ungheresi was built in 1858 by Don Michele Rizzo with the rests
of the old Parish Church. The Watch Tower in Piazza Dante dates to 1914. Outside
the urban area the tourist can still see the rests of some fortified farms
called Masseria Sumà and Masseria Li Belli. The population of Collepasso is
devoted to Our Lady of the Graces and celebrates her solemnly on September 7th
and 8th.

The nickname
of the people of Collepasso is “saracini”, that means Saracens. We know the
invaded and sacked all the villages in the Salento so the people of the
neighbouring villages think the people of Collepasso are as wicked and stingy as
the Saracens used to be.