
At Maglie there are
several monuments very interesting from the historical point of view as the
beautiful case
a corte and the imposing, ancient noble residences as Zoriade Villa and
Tamborino Villa, both dating back to the XVIII century. In the palace of the
Town Hall you can visit the Paleontological Museum, where there are some fossils
of Pleistocene fauna. The museum was inaugurated in 1965 by Aldo Moro. Here
there is a wonderful Castle too, built in the XVIII century on the rests of an
ancient XV century fortress. The façade has a well-decorated, sumptuous portal
surmounted by a sculpture representing the coat of arms of the last vassals, the Capeces. Now this castle is a high school, dedicated to Francesca Capece. The
most imposing and important religious monument is the Dome, also known as
Church of St. Nicholas. It was built in the XVII century and it was planned by
the architect of Alessano Felice De Palma. The main façade is stately and well
decorated and it has three front doors and three big windows. The enormous bell
tower is 52 meters tall and it is rich of
ornaments. This church is Latin cross, with nave and two aisles, it has eleven
baroque altars, a XVIII wooden choir and a beautiful, decorated pipe-organ made
by Carlo Sanarica. One of the altars was graven by Gaetano Carrone of Corigliano
at the beginning of the XVIII century while the high altar was made by Emanuele
Orfano of Alessano. Inside you can admire some valuable canvasses as that
representing the Last Supper by Francesco Palumbo of Naples, and that of the
Martyrdom of St Oronzo by Saverio Lillo of Ruffano. The most important paintings
are those of the Neapolitan artist, Pietro Bardellino, that painted the glory of
St. Nicholas and the Holy Virgin Mary with St Augustine (that was commissioned
by the baron Giuseppe Capece in 1774). The Church of St Mary of the Staircase
dates back to the XVIII century and inside there are sumptuous decorations and
splendid altars (one of them was graven by
Ambrogio Martinelli of Copertino).
Many canvasses decorate the church as that representing St Anthony from Padua,
made by Antonio Montefusco. Also the Church of the Our Lady of Sorrows is an
imposing monument that was planned by
the architect Mauro Manieri, and built between 1722 and 1726. In th upper part
of the main façade there is a big richly decorated window while in the lower
part you can see a beautiful portal. The interiors as well are rich of ornaments
as the canvasses representing the Vision of the Our Lady of Sorrows, the Vision
of St Anthony, St. Philip and the statue of the Holy Virgin Mary held in a very
interesting wooden cabinet. The Church of St Mary of the Graces was built in
the XVII century. The façade is complex and it has a beautiful front door over
which there are the sculptures of the Holy Virgin Mary with the Child and of two
angels. In this aisless church the high altar was decorated by Donato Chiarello
of Copertino in 1645 and you can also see a big painting of the Holy Virgin
Mary with the Child and other saints, some splendid XVIII century frescos
representing the expulsion from the Eden and the musician angels. There is a
very interesting column (on which there is a sculpture of the Holy Virgin Mary
with the Child) probably dating to the XVII century. At the feet of the column
there are four beautiful statues of saints and other ornaments that enrich the
monument. Outside the inhabited centre you can visit some ancient strengthened
farms as Santu Loi Farm that was built in the XVIII century and
it is still in good condition. The patron of Maglie is St Nicholas, that is
celebrated on May 9th.

The nickname of the
inhabitants of Maglie is "passari" meaning sparrows and it is closely connected
an improbable popular anecdote. Some old people tell that in the past a lot of
sparrows used to eat the harvest in the country thus causing the peasants'
desperation. The population of Maglie decided to build some bramble enclosure
walls around the plants but the birds went on invading the fields. So the poor
people of Maglie could not find any solution to this problem.