
At Montesano Salentino
there are not artistic monuments of particular interest. In the historical
can see the typical case a corte of the Salento. The religious buildings
are only three. The Mother Church is devoted to the
Madonna, and it was built in the XVIII century on a pre-existing church. The
main façade is decorated with a beautiful portal. The big bell tower dates back
to the XVIII century. Inside you can see some elegant altars and paintings,
representing holy images. On the whole the church has got a very sober style.
The Church of St. Donato was rebuilt in 1775, on a pre-existing church as well.
The façade is made up of a beautiful portal of entry, two empty niches and a big
window well-decorated. Inside you can admire a beautiful painting of the XV
century representing the saint. The Church of the Lady of the Consolation
(1821) has got a sober façade that mirrors the simplicity of the inside
decorations. Outside the urban centre there are still the rests of some
ancient masserie. The patron of Montesano Salentino is St. Donato, that
is celebrated solemnly on August 7.

The nickname of the
inhabitants of Montesano Salentino is "ventri janche" that means "white
This nickname was invented by the inhabitants of the near villages since they
considered the people of this little town lazy, indolent and idle. What is more
they are also called "asses" because these animals have got a white belly.