
name: Patuensi
The civic coat of arms of Patù has a brown background and it represents a cat
with a fish in its mouth.
the origins of this village some historians advocate that in the past there used
to be the barns of the town of Vereto, therefore the toponym might derive from
"verduro prato" that means deposit of the barns. According to an other
hypothesis this centre was founded by the people who had escaped from the
destruction of Vereto (in the IX century), that was razed to the ground by the
terrible Saracen. Probably, the survivors were attracted by the good climate
and the fertility of the ground. During the feudal age the Norman king Tancredi
of Altavilla incorporated Patù into the County of Lecce. In the XIV century the
feud was bought by the Sambiasis, and then by the Capeces. In 1480 also Patù
was attacked by the Turks, but after some years the small village became rich
peaceful again and it passed under the control of the Episcopalian Curia of
Alessano. The last vassal was the prince D'Aragona from Cassiano, that governed
until 1806. One of the most well-known local people is Liborio Romano, who was
born in 1793 and, after graduating in Law he became an appreciated lawyer. He
taught at the University of Naples and he played an important role in the
politics. He was appointed Prefect of Police and Minister of the Interior. He
wrote and he published several articles, and he died in 1867. Other famous
people are Donato Antonio Romano (lawyer), Angelo Romano (who taught Canonical
law), Domenico Damiano (theologian) and Francesco Cassiano (priest, philosopher
and doctor).
the territory of Patù, near the inhabited centre, there are the rests of the
ancient town of Vereto. It
founded by the Messapians in the IV century B.C. and it became an important
centre. According to the Greek historian Erodoto Vereto was founded by some
Cretans that were going to Sicily, but they shipwrecked on the coast of Leuca.
They surveyors settled here and their descendants, the Messapians, conquered all
the Salento. Vereto had a strategic position since it was near two important
Messapian towns, Vaste and Ugento, and what is more, it was near to the sea.
There were two harbours, the commercial one at Santa Maria di Leuca and the
military one at San Gregorio. When the Romans invaded the Salento in the III
century B.C. Vereto became an important Roman town. Now the visitors can see
the rests of the ancient walls (dating back to the IV century B.C.) that
defended the town. The
archaeological finds recovered during the excavations are in the provincial
museum of Lecce. On the territory where there was Vereto there is a cave called
"suda" where according to a legend (that has been handed down from generation to
generation) the Messapians hided their treasure and some women before the
invasion of the Saracens, who attacked the town in the IX century. Now only the
walls of Vereto have left.