
Palazzo Ceuli is one of
the most interesting palaces of Salve. It is named after the family that made it
build. It is
the historic centre and was designed by the architect Felice De Palma. The
façade has a 18th century style and is decorated in our local stone.
The Mother Church is dedicated to St Nicola Magno and dates to the 16th
century. It is an aisleless church and its façade is very sober. Inside the
tourist should visit the beautiful altars in baroque style and the wooden pulpit
of the 17th century. To the left of the presbytery the tourist can
admire the painting of ‘The miracle of loaves and fishes’ and another painting
with the "Wedding of Cana", by Vito Russo, a contemporary artist of Salve. There
is a special thing about those paintings: the painter has portrait some of the
people of Salve. The ‘Olgiati-Mauro’ organ is also very interesting because is
one of the oldest in our region and probably also in Italy. It was built by
Giovan Battista Olgiati from Como and Tommaso Mauro from Muro
Leccese according to the will of the priest Don Francesco Maria Alamanni. The
organ has 393 metallic pipes and is 8 m high and 3,70 m large. It has not been
played since 1950 because it was broken. In 1978 it was restored the first time
thank to professor Celeghin and Father Lorenzo Profico who managed to raise
enough money. There are many chapels worth visiting: the Chapel of San Vito is
the oldest and was built in 1475 by Domenica Alemanno. The chapel of the Saints
Cosma and Damiano was built in 1617 according to the will of the Baron
Valentino. The chapel of St Mary of Loreto is outside the urban area, at the
‘Fogge’. It is an aisleless church and dates to the 17th century. The
façade is very sober and inside there is only one altar with the statue of the
Virgin. The Chapel of St Antonio is in the historic centre, is an aisleless
church and has a very simple façade. Inside there is a beautiful fresco
Hell and Purgatory. The Chapel of the Crucifix is outside the urban area , at
the ‘Fani’. It was built in 16th century on the rests of an old
temple dedicated to the Gods of the Forest. The Chapel of St Biagio (also known
as San Lasi) was built on the rests of an old medieval structure. It has a very
simple façade with the civic coat of arms. Inside there is a statue of the Saint
and the signs of old frescos on the walls. The Chapel of St Mary of the Snows
(better known as Chapel of the Gnizze) is on the road to Ugento and is in a
state of complete neglect. The Chapel of the Visitation was built in 1811 and
the farmers used to stop there in the mornings on their way to work. Inside
there were the frescos of St Anna and St Joseph. The chapel was knocked down in
1970 when the clearway Leuca – Gallipoli was opened. The Convent of the
Capuchins is also neglected and is probably one of the first convent built in
the Salento. It dates to 1580 and was suppressed in 1866. The most important
country farm of Salve is the Masseria San Lasi. It dates to the 16th
century, has a beautiful tower and is also one of the oldest farm in this area.
The patron saint of Salve is St Nicola and the population celebrates him on the
6th December.

The people of Salve are
mysteriously said to have ‘white bellies’ which is nothing to be offended of.
There is
anyway a very unpleasant sentence that refers to the people of Salve , that is
“Salve, sarvate” which sounds like ‘ for your own safety, get away from Salve’.
The people of Salve are said to be unreliable and traitors but there is also a
legend that refers to this sentence. Once upon a time all the monks of the
monastery went away from Salve, all but one, the last monk was still in Salve
waiting to know where he had to move. While ha was still in Salve he passed his
time praying, teaching to the poor children and preaching against the vices of
the rich people of Salve. One of them heard him and decided to chastise him. He
invited the poor monk for lunch in his palace but, once the monk was inside, the
doors were closed, the monk was beaten and then thrown out. He could reach the
monastery thank to a farmers who took him on his cart. The monk needed some time
to recover then he decided to leave the monastery and left only a piece of paper
with this famous sentence: ‘for your own safety, get away from Salve’