
Ingredients for 4-6 people: gr.250 of veal bacon, gr.250 of veal, 1
carrot, 1 chicken leg, 1 celery, 8 ripe tomatoes, 1 onion, 1 small bundle of
parsley, 1 skin of parmesan cheese, extra virgin olive oil, salt.
Preparation and cooking time: 2 hours.
Cut the veal to pieces and put it in a saucepan with the bacon. Fill the
saucepan with water and bring to the boil. Boil for half an hour then add
the chicken and the herbs. Cook for another hour, add the salt and the
parmesan. Cook for other 10 minutes.
Ingredients for 4-6 people: gr.800 of meat from different cuts
(muscle, bacon, lean meat), 10 tomatoes, parsley, some leaves of laurel, 1
clove of garlic, 1 onion, black pepper in corns, extra virgin olive oil,
Preparation and cooking time: 1 hour.
Cut the meat to pieces
and brown them with oil. Pour hot water and cover the meat, add tomatoes
(without their seeds), onion in slices, parsley, garlic, laurel, black
peppercorns and salt. Cook until the meat gets soft.
Ingredients for 4 people: gr.800 of pork bacon, gr.800 of savoy,
gr.100 of grated pecorino cheese, 1 onion, 1 stock cube, 5 peeled tomatoes,
parsley, pepper, extra virgin olive oil, salt.
Preparation and cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
Cut the savoy to pieces, wash it and blanch it. Put in a saucepan oil, meat
onion, salt and brown them. Put in layers savoy, meat, peeled tomatoes in
stripes, minced parsley, pepper and grated pecorino. Pour some stock and go
on cooking for about one hour.
Ingredients for 4-6 people: 1 rabbit of 1.5kg, 2 cloves of garlic, 8
ripe tomatoes, 1 sprig of rosemary, 1 glass vinegar, 1 glass of white wine,
extra virgin of olive oil, salt.
Preparation and cooking time: 1 hour.
Soak the rabbit with garlic and vinegar for 12 hours. Brown the meat with
oil and garlic, add a glass of white wine, the salt and the rosemary. Wait
until the whine evaporates then add the tomatoes in stripes. Cook for other
10-15 minutes.
Ingredients for 4-6 people: kg.1 of "monicedde" snails, 1 glass of
rosé,1 onion, 3 leaves of laurel, extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper.
Preparation and cooking time: 1 hour.
Wash carefully the snails then take away the white part. Brown together the
laurel and onion with half a glass of olive oil. When the onion is brown add
snail, salt, black pepper and the rosé. When the sauce has been absorbed you
can serve them.
Ingredients for 4 people: 1 kg. of small snails, oregano, salt,
extra virgin olive oil, garlic.
Preparation and cooking time: 30 minutes.
Those small snails are picked up in the summertime in the arid areas of the
Salento. You have to wash them very well then cook on a low flame in a
saucepan with cold water. After 10 minutes raise the flame , bring to the
boil and turn off after few seconds. Strain them, rinse them in the water
and cook them in a pot with salt, a drop of water, a handful of oregano and
a clove of garlic.
Ingredients for 4-6 people: kg.1 of lean horse meat, 8 ripe
tomatoes, some leaves of laurel, 1 onion, parsley, some celery and hot
pepper, black pepper, 1 clove of garlic, extra virgin olive oil, salt.
Preparation and cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
Blanch the horse bits. Brown together celery, a clove of garlic, onion, hot
pepper, parsley, peeled tomatoes laurel and black pepper. Add the bits and
fill with boiling water, salt. Cook on a low flame until the meat gets soft.
Ingredients for 6-8 people: 1 gut of calf, dl.4 of pig blood, gr.400
of brains, gr.400 of entrails, some hot pepper, extra virgin olive oil,
Preparation and cooking time: 1 hour.
Mix together the blood, the brain and the entrails, salt and hot pepper then
make them into sausages using the calf gut. Boil the sausage for 30 minutes
then you can grill it or fry it.
Ingredients for 4 people: kg.1 of tripe, gr.100 of grated parmesan
cheese, 3 lemons, parsley, gr.150 of peeled tomatoes, leaves of laurel, 2
carrots, 1 clove of garlic, black peppercorns, 1 onion, extra virgin olive
oil, salt.
Preparation and cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
Cut the tripe and blanch it until the skin comes off. Dip the tripe in lemon
juice then wash it properly. Put the tripe, sliced onion, carrots, black
peppercorns, garlic, parsley, laurel, peeled tomatoes and salt in a
saucepan. Fill it with water and cook it as a normal stock. At the end dip
in the stock pieces of peeled potatoes. Serve with a lot of parmesan.