
Ingredients: 1 kg of almonds, a small sachet of vanilla, 800 gr.
sugar, jam of pears or peaches.
Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
Peel the almonds dipping them in hot water. Grind them together with the
sugar them put them in a saucepan and cook on a very low flame always
stirring with a wooden spoon. When the mixture does not stick to the
saucepan you can turn off the cooker. Add the vanilla and go on stirring
until it gets tepid. Cover the lamb mould with film, fill an half of it with
the mixture, add a layer of jam then add the rest. Wait a couple of minutes
then take the mould off and decorate with chocolates and silver sugar-coated
Ingredients: 600 gr flour, 1 dl milk, gr.150 margarine, 3 eggs, a
little sachet of baking powder, gr.250 sugar, the grated peel of a lemon, a
pinch of salt.
Cooking time: 1 hour
Knead together flour, sugar, eggs, margarine, the baking powder melt in a
glass of milk, the lemon peel and a pinch of salt. Knead the dough until it
gets soft and smooth. Divide the dough into two pieces give them the shape
of a loaf then put them on a buttered baking tin. Bake at 180° for half an
hour. When it becomes tepid cut the loaf in pieces of 1cm, bake again at
200° waiting until the biscuit become golden brown.
Ingredients: kg.1 flour, a small cup of dry liqueur, kg.1 honey, a
piece of brewer’s yeast, half a glass of extra virgin olive oil, the juice
of 2-3 oranges, a peel of lemon, gr.100 sugar, seed oil, a spoon of salt.
Cooking time: 2 hours.
Knead together flour, liqueur, orange juice, yeast and salt melt in some
tepid water, the oil with the lemon peel. Knead until you get a soft and
smooth dough. Roll out the pastry until it gets very thin. Cut it into
stripes with the special wheel. Cut them again so that the stripes are 8 cm
long and 2 cm large. Pinch them in the centre so that you get the shape of a
butterfly. Let them stand for a couple of minutes on a tray sprinkled with
flour. Put the seed oil in a frying pan and when the oil start to smoke, fry
them a few at the time. Add honey, small coloured sweets and cinnamon.
Ingredients: 500 gr flour, 100 icing sugar, butter gr.70, gr.40
sugar, 2 yolks, ½ glass of dry white wine, oil for frying.
Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
Knead together flour, yolks, sugar, butter and white wine. Knead for long
until you get a soft and smooth mixture. Roll out the pastry until it gets
very thin. Cut it in stripes of 3cm for 7 cm. Fry them in hot oil until they
are golden and crunchy. Put them on blotting paper then on a tray and
decorate with icing sugar.
Ingredients: Gr.400 short pastry, gr.350 ricotta, gr.100 plain
chocolate, gr.250 milk, a spoon of starch for sweets, gr.200 sugar, a little
sachet of cinnamon, an egg white.
Cooking time: 1 hour
Pour the milk in a
saucepan, melt the starch and stir with a spoon until the milk curdle. Take
away the pan from the cooker,
add ricotta and sugar and stir until the mixture is well-blended. Add the
chocolate in pieces and cinnamon. Lay some of the short pastry in a baking
tin, add the mixture and cover with the rest of the pastry. Brush the top of
the cake with egg white then bake at 180° for half an hour.
Ingredients for the pastry: 250gr flour, 100gr butter, 50gr sugar, 1
egg, a pinch of salt.
Ingredients for the filling: 1 kg. Figs, 30 gr. butter, 50 gr.
biscuits, 150 gr. Sugar, the peel of a lemon, 1 and a half glass of milk, 3
spoons flour, 2 yolks, cinnamon.
Cooking time: 1 hour.
Knead together sugar, flour, a pinch of salt, egg, butter, in case also a
glass of milk. Knead for long then leave it to stand in the fridge for an
hour. Knead again the pastry and lay a part of it in a buttered and floured
tin. Bake it at 200° until the surface of the pastry get golden. Sprinkle
with sugar and cinnamon. Prepare the custard using the yolks, milk, sugar,
flour, lemon and butter. Crumble the biscuits on the baked pastry then pour
the custard. Cut the figs in strips then lay them on the custard. Sprinkle
with sugar and cinnamon and bake again for 15-20 minutes.
Ingredients: 600 gr. flour, 200gr. Sugar, 4 eggs, 200 gr butter, 1
sachet of baking powder, hard boiled eggs to put in the centre of the
Cooking time: 1 hour.
Knead flour, baking powder, sugar, butter and eggs. Knead until you get a
well-blended mixture. Divide the mixture in 4 pieces and with the hands give
them the shape of a cockerel, a doll, a heart or a small basket. Put an egg
in the middle of the cuddura. Lay them on an oiled baking tin and bake them
until they become golden brown.
Ingredients: gr.500 of almonds, gr.500 sugar, 1/2 little sachet of
Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
Peel the almonds dipping them in hot water and cut them coarsely. Add the
vanilla. Melt the sugar in a pan with hot water always stirring with a
wooden spoon. When the mixture gets golden brown, add the almonds, and blend
with the sugar. Pour the mixture on a oiled marble level. Make it 1cm high
with the help of a knife then cut it when it is still warm. Preserve the
pieces of cupeta on greaseproof paper
and in a dry place.
Ingredients: 1 kg of dried figs, 150 gr of plain chocolate, 150gr of
toasted almonds, the peel of two lemons, some leaves of laurel, 1 small
sachet of cinnamon, cloves.
Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
Wash the dried figs and leave them to dry in the sun then put them in a hot
oven for 5-10 minutes. Open the figs, put on one half an almond, some
cinnamon, some grated lemon peel, some grated chocolate then close it with
the other half. Press them with the hands in order to make them fit
perfectly. Lay the figs on a baking pan and bake for 15 minutes at 150°.
Preserve in a glass jar with laurel leaves and cloves. Wait until they cool
down then seal the jars.
Ingredients: kg. 1 of flour, 1 spoon of lard, gr.300 sugar, gr. 400
of toasted and crumbled almonds, gr. 15 of ammonia, 1 spoon cinnamon, 3
spoons of cocoa, 1 spoon of cloves, the grated peel of 1 orange.
Cooking time: 1 hour.
Knead all the ingredients with water were you boiled some coffee. Knead it
until you get a well blended mixture. Divide the mixture in small balls. Lay
on a baking tin already buttered and floured and bake at 180°. Pass them in
the cocoa glass then put them in the oven to dry.
Ingredients: flour gr.600, 6 egg yolks, gr.300 sugar, gr.300 of
lard, the grated peel of a lemon, a pinch of salt.
For the custard: l. 1 of milk, gr. 150 of flour, 6 egg yolks, gr.
300 of sugar, the peel of a lemon.
Cooking time: 1 hour 30
Knead all the ingredients and leave the mixture to stand in the fridge for
half an hour. Prepare the custard (blend all the ingredients on a low flame
for about one hour) and wait until it cools down. Put the pastry in the
moulds after you have buttered and floured them. Make some small holes with
a fork. Fill with custard then cover with a thin layer of pastry and brush
the top with an egg white. Bake at 180° for half an hour until the surface
gets golden brown. Take out of the oven, make them cool down take out of the
moulds and serve.
Ingredients: flour kg.1, sugar gr.100, brewer’s yeast, 1 small cup
of extra virgin olive oil, honey kg.1, the juice of 3-4 oranges, a cup of
dry liqueur, a peel of lemon, a spoon of salt, seed oil.
Cooking time: 2 hours.
With the same mixture you prepare for the Cartellate make some small balls
as big a nail. Press them slightly with a fork and fry them. Decorate them
as you would do with cartellate and lay them on a tray.