
In the historic
centre of Alliste there are several ‘case a corte’ and some beautiful old
palaces such as
Del Tufo Palace and the Venneri Palace, their facades are decorated and both
date to the 18th century. The De Donatis palace is older and dates to
the 16th century. The Mother Church is dedicate to St Quintino and
was built in the 19th century on the pre-existing church of 1435. In
1429 the population of Alliste was stricken with the plague and prayed for the
help of the saint and the village was saved from death. This church has been
restored several times: the façade has some decorations and three portals.
Inside there are some beautiful baroque altars, interesting paintings, frescos
with sacred subjects and a silver statue of the saint by an artist from Naples.
The Church of the Blessed Virgin was built in the 18th century. On
the façade there is a beautiful portal , inside there are elegant altars and
interesting paintings. The Church of St Joseph was built in the 17th
century on a pre-existing structure of the 15th century. The façade
is sober, inside there are some beautiful altars and paintings such as that of
Our Lady of the Rosary which dates to the 1665 and was made by a local
artist.The patron saint of Alliste is St Quintino and is solemnly celebrated on
October 31st.

The nickname of
the people of Alliste is “argerini” that means, “Algerians”. They are said to be
violent and wicked as the Algerians when they came and sacked the villages. The
legend says that, at the time when the village was founded, there was also a
group of Algerians and the village was named after their chief, Alì.