
In the historic centre
of Bagnolo there are several ‘case a corte’ and beautiful palaces. Papaleo
very important , it probably dates to the 17th century. the stately
façade is richly decorated and has an elegant portal.
The Mother Church is dedicated to St George and was built toward the middle of
the 19th century and restored several times. The façade is simple and
has a portal and three rose-windows. It has a nave and two aisles with some
elegant altars, a statue of the saint and some interesting panting on sacred
subjects. The Mater Domini Church was built in the 17th century and
looks very simple.The Monastery of the Conventual Fathers is an imposing
building of the 15th century, was restored several times. The column
with the Statue of St George was built towards the end of the 19th
century when a lighting broke the statue of the Saint in pieces during the
Sunday Mass. The people of Bagnolo thought this was a warning from the Saint
because they forgot to celebrate the saint and so they decided to build a new
column with a statue of the saint. St George is also the patron saint of Bagnolo
and is solemnly celebrated on the first Sunday of August.

The people of
Bagnolo are popularly called “zucari” which means ‘rope-makers’. People used to
make strong ropes from the straw, this is an old and complicated job but
nowadays nobody can make them any longer.