
Inhabitants’name: Calimeresi
The civic coat of arms
of Calimera has a sun with sixteen long beams on a blue background. We do
know exactly when the village was founded. It could have been founded by some
Crete colonists, but we suppose it was founded by the Greeks after the
destruction of an old hamlet called Centopozzi. The name of the village comes
from the Greek and means ‘Good morning’. When the Normans came, the King
Tancredi included the village in the County of Lecce then it belonged to the
Principality of Taranto with the Orsini del Balzos. It was then ruled by the
Hugots, the Gesualdos, the Sorianos and the Bucalis. This family was very cruel
and they were sent away by a violent rebellion of the population. It was then
ruled by the Del Montes, the Tranis and the Gadaletas. Among the famous people
of Calimera we remember: Donato Tommasi was born in 1761, he took his degree in
law and became a famous lawyer. He was chosen as Ministry of Justice in 1815. He
died when he was seventy. Alessio Colaci was an appreciated judge of the 19th
century. Giannino Aprile was born in 1918, he became mayor and wrote a book on
his village. Pasquale Tommasi was born in 1712 he became a brilliant physician
and a literary man. He wrote several books and died in 1787. Vito
Domenico Palumbo was a literary man, poet and philologist. He could speak
several languages, was fond of the Greek culture and wrote several books.
Giuseppe Gabrieli was born in 1872 and taught Arab in the University of Rome.
Vito Domenico Fazzi was a famous lawyer of the 19th century. The Licci brothers
(Girolamo, Giuseppe Saverio and Paolo) became four brilliant lawyers in the 19th
century. Brizio De Sanctis was born in 1863 and taught Literature and
Philosophy, he was also headmaster and wrote several books. Sigismondo De
Matteis lived between the 16th and the 17th centuries and was the last priest to
celebrate with the Greek rite. Pietro Licci was a priest specialized in Theology
and Philosophy.