
In the historical centre you can visit the
D'Amelj Tower that is star-shaped: it is 12.50 meters tall 4.5 meters
It is surrounded by a ditch and it is in excellent conditions. In Apulia there
are only three towers similar to that of Melendugno and all of them were built
by the middle of the XVI century: St. Peter Tower at Bevagna (near Manduria, in
the province of Taranto), St. Sabina Tower at Carovigno (in the province of
Brindisi) and Pettolecchia Farm Tower at Fasano ( in the province of Brindisi).
Other interesting monuments to see are the Carrozzo Palace, dating back to the
XVIII century, and the Castle Of Amelj , built in the XVI century together with
the Parish dedicated to Holy Engaged Maria. In the Parish you can see a richly
decorated altar and three refined portals of entry. In 1760 the Chapel of Our
Lady of Sorrows was made built by the vicar Francesco Cesare:
inside you can admire some paintings representing the circumcision of Jesus
Christ, St. Donato, the death of St. Joseph and an elegant font in leccese
stone. The Chapel of the Immaculate is dated 1666: the high altar was made in
1698 , it is decorated in a refined way and includes the paintings of St. John
Baptist, St. Lucy Saint, St. Marina and of the Madonna. The Chapel of St. Niceta
is very ancient (even if we do not know the year it was built) while the Church
of the Madonna of Roca dates back to the XVII century and it was built on the
ruins of an old small church. At Melendugno there are several chapels, as that
of St. Vito and of the Annunziata and many fortified farms: Capitano Farm ,
Carrere Farm, Carleo Farm, Carrozzi Farm, Delfino Farm , Coviello Farm, Epifani
Farm, Incioli Farm,
Farm, Mancarella Farm, Lama Farm , Nuova Farm, Limbitello Farm and many others.
The protector of Melendugno is St. Niceta and he is celebrated solemnly on
September 15. The people of Melendugno are usually called "musi moddhi" (soft
lips) to mean that they do not have a strong temper.