
name: Soglianesi
The civic coat of arms
of Sogliano Cavour has a blue background and it represents the sun and the moon.
the origins of this village there is a legend according to which there used to
be a temple where the god Janus was venerated. Therefore, the toponym derives
from the Latin word "solium Jani" meaning Janus' throne. According to another
hypothesis in the past there was a barn of the Casale of Soleto and a group of
people from Soleto decided to build their houses near the barn, thus founding a
village that became bigger and bigger. According to a third thesis the first
village was founded by the Roman centurion Sollius for winning important battles
and for his courage. The center is very ancient because and according to the
tradition St. Peter himself came here to bring Chistianisation. In the feudal
age the king Tancredi of Altavilla incorporated Sogliano Cavour into the County
of Lecce and later it was annexed to the Principality of Taranto and governed by
the Orsini Del Balzos. The centre was bought by Ferdinand of Aragon and the last
vassals were the Ferraris who governed until 1806. Among the most important
local people there is
Michele Giacinto who lived in the XIX century: he was a man of letters, a
mathematician and a lawyer. Nicola Roscio lived in the XIX century, and he got
an appreciated physician and philosopher. Also Benedetto Angelelli was an
illustrious doctor and philosopher of the XIX century. Giuseppe Palamà lived
between the XIX and the XX centuries and, after graduating in Mathematics, he
taught at the University of Bari and at the high school "Palmieri" of Lecce.
Sincero Angelelli lived in the XIX century and he was a scholar. He was a
physician, a poet and a Latinist and he taught at the Seminario of Nardò. Mario
Micheli lived between the XVIII and the XIX centuries and he graduated in
Medicine at the University of Naples. He was also a good philosopher and wrote a
lot of works.