
There was a beautiful castle in Soleto but today there is
only its garden left. It was built around 1400
to the will of Raimondello Orsini Del Balzo. In 1940 it was in a very poor
condition and broke down in 1948. On the contrary, the baronial palaces are
still in their splendour. The most important are: Orsini Palace (XVII century),
Gervasi Palace (XVII century.), Arcudi Palace (XVI century), Sergio Palace (XVI
century) and Scanderberg Palace (XVI century). Soleto has also several churches,
the most important is the Parish church dedicated to Our Lady of the Assumption
which was built in 1573 on a pre-existing medieval church with nave and double
aisles. Inside the church there are several altars dedicated to St Luigi, St
Antonio, St Francesco, the Sacrament and so on. There is also a font and
beautiful paintings. The most characteristic part of the parish church is its
bell tower. It has a clear Gothic style and is the symbol of Soleto. It is 45 m
tall and was built by Francesco Colaci from Surbo in 1397 according to the will
of the Orsini del Balzo. The Romanic church of St. Stephen is also interesting.
It was probably built in 1347 and inside the tourist can admire the beautiful
Byzantine frescos representing the holy spirit descending on the Apostles, the
Last Judgement, the Virgin with the Child, saint Stephen and so on. Another
important religious building is the convent of St Chiara and the Church of St.
Nicola which was built in 1469
and rehandled around 1648. The church of the Congregation of the Purgatory was
built around the 1660 and is also known as Church of the Souls because of the
statues on the portal that represent the souls in the torments of the
Purgatory.The Church of Our Lady of Leuca was built in 1766 and inside there is
a beautiful fresco representing the Virgin with the Child. The Church of Our
Lady of the Graces was built around 1614 has a baroque façade with statues of
St. Antonio and St. Francesco. Inside there is an interesting wooden crucifix of
the 17th century and a painting representing Our Lady of the Rosary dating to
1607 by Donato Antonio d’Orlando. In the past people used to dug small pools,
the ‘pozzelle’, in order to have some water apart. Their structure is very
similar to the public cisterns of the Greek cities in the 8th century B.C.. The
patron saint of the village is St Antonio from Padua.

The people of Soleto are usually called "macari" that means
magicians. Since 30 or 40 years ago the magicians
Soleto were apparently able to cast spells or make love potions. People came
also from the near villages and asked the magicians to find somebody to marry or
to prevent being cheated. Even the famous Matteo Tafuri has been considered a
magician! According to the legend he could foretell somebody’s death or what was
going to happen. Somebody says he built the bell tower only in one night, being
helped by witches and elves. He was only a man of science, of course, and as
such was very interested in astrology and astronomy even if those subjects at
that time were looked at very suspiciously.