
At Ugento you can visit an imposing castle
whose first lord was Giovanni Conte( 1272): the building was
in 1537 after Barbarossa's invasion and from 1643 it has been running by the
Marquises D'Amore. Also the Episcopalian Palace was damaged in 1537 and it was
made rebuild by Monsignor Giovanni De Rossi: the Episcopalian Seminario was
founded by Mondignor Pietro Lazzaro Terer. In this small town you can also
admire some palaces: Colosso Palace (built in 1600), Rovito Palace (town
ownership, rebuilt on the rests of the ancient palace of the Orsini- del
Balzos), Gigli Palace (ownership Zecca, built in 1700), De Marco Palace (Tasco
ownership, built in 1700). In the ex Convent of the Francescani placed in the
historical centre, you can visit the Civic Museum of Archaeology and
Palaeontology that was inaugurated in 1968. Inside more than 800 finds have been
catalogued: they date back to the I-II centuries B.C. and they have been found
in the territory of Ugento. In 1961a splendid bronzy statue of Jupiter was
discovered and it is preserved in the National Museum of Taranto. Here there are
eighteen churches and a crypt (Crypt of the Crucified) dating back to the XII-XV
centuries: this crypt is dug in the rock, it belongs to the Town Hall and inside
there are some wonderful paintings. The Cathedral was built in 1700 in the same
place where once there was the ancient cathedral in Gothic style, destroyed in
1537. The Church of St. Lorenzo was made rebuild in 1600 by Donna Vittoria
Piscicelli; now it is not open to the public and the religious functions are no
more celebrated. The Church of the Madonna della Luce was built in 1576 on the
rests of another chapel ( destroyed in 1537) . The Chapel of the Lady of Pompei
was built in the XIX century and it belongs to the Town Hall. The Church of
St.Filomena is next to the Monastery of the Benedettine (built in 1500), for
want of Donna Gabriella Cortese. After the Turkish invasion it was razed to the
ground and reconstructed in 1700: now only the desecrated church has left. In
1400 Raimondo Orsini-del Balzo made the Monastery of St. Maria of the Pity
build, centre of the Palace of
Culture. Near the ex monastery you can see the Church of St. Anthony, marked by
the presence of ten altars and refined paintings. The Church of the Lady of the
Casale dates back to 1300 and it is next to a convent inhabited by some
Franciscan monks. The Church of Our Lady of the Assumption, built on the rests
of another chapel destroyed in 1772, has got two small towers and two bells. The
Church of St. Giuseppe Lavatore was built in 1968. The Church of the Curato has
got an unique vain and it is so called since it is attached to the house of the
parish priest: it is small and situated on a very steep rock. In the Church
devoted to St. Maria from Constantinople the walls are completely covered with
highly artistic paintings. The Church of the Lady of Monticchio is dated 1300
and the portal, in Romanesque style, is in a good state. The
Church of St. Cosma and St.Damiano was restructured and widened in 1886; the
date of construction is not known but the present church was erected on the
rests of an ancient small devoted to St. Lucy. The Church of St Potenza borders
on the territory of Alliste and it is not in a good state. The Church of St.
Giovanni Bosco has been built recently for want of Monsignor Giuseppe Ruotolo
and it has only an altar obtained from the chapel of the ex monastery of the
Benedectine Order. The patron of Ugento is St. Vincenzo that is celebrated on
January 22nd, while from in September there are the celebrations of St Cosma and
St Damiano.

The people of Ugento are very well known for being without
faith: this reputation is closely connected to an
that happened in 1739. Quite that year Monsignor Ciccarelli was sent to Ugento
in order to calm down a rebellion and pacify people's soul. The arrival of the
Bishop had the contrary effect and the situation got worse. Monsignor Ciccarelli
gave the bell destined to the Cathedral of Ugento to his own native town
(Altamura), thus exasperating more and more the population and causing serious
incidents until the Bishop was forced to leave for Naples. As soon as he went
beyond the walls of Ugento, he stopped to clean his shoes from the dust
carefully, and he said "Ugento without faith and religion," thus expressing all
his scorn towards the people of Ugento.